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Gum Care

Gum disease can affect the quality of life.  It is the main cause of tooth loss.  At early stage, people are usually unaware that they have it because it is not painful and does not affect daily life, however if left untreated, it can cause damage to the supporting tissues around the tooth, and therefore result in tooth loss.   According to research, gum disease have strong correlation with heart disease, premature baby and difficulty in controlling blood sugar in diabetic patients.therefore, preventing gum disease could be beneficial for your general health.

Gum disease is generally divided into two stages. Gingivitis and periodontitis.  At Gingivitis, we start to see inflammation of the gums, redness, bleeding, swelling, bad breath, larger gaps between teeth, it is painless, and is reversible with professional hygiene care and improved daily hygiene.   However, if gingivitis is left untreated, it can advanced to periodontitis, which result in bone loss, and eventually tooth loss.  

Deep Cleaning: is one of the nonsurgical treatment for gum disease.  plaque and tartar can build up easily on the teeth, especially around the roots overtime, which result in deep periodontal pockets, receded gum, and bone loss,   Deep cleaning is a cleaning below the gum line, that removes the tartar.  because there is no pain in gum disease, many patients do not seek for treatment until its advanced.

After the deep cleaning it requires ongoing therapy called periodontal maintenance to help to stabilize the periodontal disease, PM is recommended every 3 months.

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